Pneumatic Services Limited

AGS PNEUMATIC SERVICES LIMI TED is a Zambian owned company incorporated and registered under the Company Act. AGS PNEUMA TIC SERVICES LTD is a Sabsidiary of Lapinta Road Network Limited based in the rock of copperbelt, Ndola with a registered presence in the north western province at Kalumbila Mine,it has seen the potential in Pneumatic services of hot cure tyre repair, Design and Professional Panel beating and spray Printing, and General Dealings which can be the best substitute in a diversified economy, The company once in full operation intends to venture i nto EM Tyre and Boom Cylinders Re pa ire and It has a reach spectrum of Supply in all tyre accesories industries in the southern Africa in particular which has great potential to be a major force in the growth of the Zambian economy and foreign exchange earner such as the Democratic Republic of Congo.…Read More>>>

Our Mission

To create an efficient Company that can deliver world-class Spill Management, to the best standard, making our clients satisfied with our approach to work…Read More>>>

Our Vision

We have fostered in our staff a professional approach to service delivery and an experienced Management to ensure that we continue to meet and exceed …Read More>>>


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